As myself and millions of other college students prepare to head back to school, it’s time to prepare for a new and exciting adventure. There is a lot to be done before we head back to class and get into the swing of things. From my experience of many years of schooling, here is a back-to-college checklist of dos and don’ts to kick off your school year.
Get your car checked out by an experienced mechanic — especially if you are embarking on a long road trip to school. Make sure your car is properly prepared to get you to school safely. Hopefully, it will be prepared to avoid having problems come up while you are at school, too, where you are likely away from your parents and a familiar car service center. If you’re looking to buy a car and can’t pay cash, consider suitable car loans for college students to help get you on the road.
Forget chargers. Double-check to make sure that both your phone and laptop chargers are in your bag. You will need these things throughout your school stay, so you might as well have them from the start. They also come in handy when you are stranded on campus with a dead computer and an assignment due.
Bring snacks. Make sure to bring some small snacks and water or other hydrating beverages for between classes or whenever you get hungry. It is hard to find time to grocery shop while at school, so having a few small items when you arrive will make your first few weeks a lot easier.
Stay hydrated. Make sure to regularly take in fluids throughout the day. Moving in and long walks to class can be physically demanding. If you are moving into warmer states (such as Texas, as I did), it will most definitely be hot, and your body needs liquids to refuel.
Forget comfy shoes. Maybe it’s your favorite pair of sneakers. Whatever it is, just remember to wear comfortable shoes that are easy to walk in.
Procrastinate. My best advice would be to try and unpack and get completely settled within the first day. Letting the unpacking effort drag on for days only makes for a stressful situation because it leaves so much clutter which ends up piling up into more and more of a mess.
Do it alone. As a college student I have had to move in and out of living spaces on my own before, and it is not easy and also not fun. It never hurts to have an extra set of hands.
Pack your bag the night before. Grab a spiral or two, laptop, a few pens and pencils and put them in your backpack the evening before the first day. The morning can be crazy and you don’t want to end up running around your room looking for a textbook − like I have countless times.
Forget to set your alarm. I know that I can sleep through just about anything, so setting my alarm on the loud setting is the most important thing for me to remember before I go to sleep.
Print out your schedule and map out your classes in advance. Make sure to print out a physical copy as you may find you need it for reference while walking to classes. I know most students today can simply look at their schedule on their phone, but on the first day of school, so many people are using phones to look up schedules that Wi-Fi might be slow to connect. Having a backup paper schedule can be a lifesaver in the mid-afternoon rush.
I would also suggest researching where your buildings are placed on campus because a lot of buildings can be hard to find. It is useful to plan out your route from each building to the next so you are not running around campus completely lost – or at least looking like it.
Skip breakfast. A growling stomach can be an unwanted distraction. It is often hard to eat on the go, so sitting down to eat can also be a stress reliever and gives you time to chat with friends or mentally prepare yourself for the day.
Introduce yourself to each of your professors. I would suggest completing this easy task on the first day of each class. First impressions are very important. From then on, you can go to your professor for help or with any questions you may have. This is a simple act that can prove to be incredibly valuable as the term goes on.
Stress out. Everyone is nervous and/or anxious about the first day of school. Relax and don’t get too worked up in the morning. Your classes will be great if you go in with the right attitude and proper preparation.
Consider partaking in some college football tailgating fun once you’re settled in! Our list of tailgating dos and don’ts will help you make the most of the experience.
And Finally, Do
Plan to have a great first day to kick off a great year with the help of this back-to-college checklist!
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