Let us help you get something for that special someone, for that object of love and affection in your life, for that beautiful soul – who drives a car.

Tile ($25) – The key to using a car is … well, the keys. And losing one’s keys can lead to losing one’s mind. What a difference having or losing such a tiny thing can make!
Among a field of similar offerings, the new GPS microtracker, Tile is a simple solution to a potentially disastrous problem. Simply attach the small tag to keys or any other item that it would be catastrophic to lose, and use the iOS or Android smartphone app to locate the tag, anywhere in the world. We won’t promise this will keep you from losing your keys, but we suspect that it will speed finding them again.
(NOTE: Though tagging your own children with the Tile device is not restricted, it would be in very poor taste. We feel as though we shouldn’t have to say that.)
Professional car detailing service (about $100-$200) – There’s nothing that says “I love you” like a gift that also implies “I want your car not to be so gross.”
Professional car detailing services often offer tiered packages for cleaning the inside, outside and even engines of cars, and some include affordable services that may be considered light car maintenance, like ensuring appropriate fluid levels and tire pressure. It takes all of the guesswork out of how much to clean, and gives your loved one their car in as good a condition as possible. And the first drive after having the vehicle detailed is like a gift all its own: pure luxury.
Premium sunglasses (up to $300) – We all know that proper eyewear is important to driving, but good sunglasses that are fun to wear can be expensive. It’s easy to overlook how much they’re appreciated when the need actually arises, especially if you live in a sunny climate or the driver in question spends a lot of daylight hours behind the wheel. Do yourself and your loved one a favor, and take them to a respected eyewear outlet to see what fits. It may just be the most useful gift you can buy them.
From all of us at RoadLoans to all of you, Happy Valentine’s Day.
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