We all know that nobody’s perfect, and even fewer people have perfect credit. Lots of companies claim to provide auto loans for less than perfect credit customers, but few can really follow through on that promise. If you have less than perfect credit and you need financing for an upcoming car purchase, it’s important to be sure you do your research on the company you work with. If you don’t, you may end up disappointed.
Flash back a couple of years, when credit seemed to flow like water. It seemed that every auto dealer, every bank and credit union, and every flower stand around the corner was bragging about offering auto loans for less than perfect credit — no hassle, no credit check, no problem. That kind of indiscriminate lending policy is what helped us get to where we are today. If the pendulum was all the way to the right back then, it’s now all the way to the left.
Today, instead of open credit policies, most lenders have tightened their requirements, especially when it comes to auto loans for less than perfect credit consumers. Instead of guaranteed approval, it’s more common to see special offers for “well qualified customers only.” That means that the few people left with more or less perfect credit get even better deals than ever before, while the rest of us have very little hope of even getting a free cup of coffee.
But that doesn’t mean there is no financing to be had, anywhere. Quite to the contrary, there are still companies that are willing to give a second chance to people who have stumbled a little in their credit history. You just have to know where to look, or more importantly, how to look. While most of the “sub prime” mortgage industry has gone the way of the dodo and the dinosaur, there are still plenty of “sub prime” auto lenders funding loans for customers who don’t have good credit.
One good example is RoadLoans. This company has been around since before the bubble burst, and they’re still making auto loans for less than perfect credit customers. The process is simple. Simply go to RoadLoans.com, fill out the credit application and wait a few minutes. Chances are pretty good that you’ll be approved. Once you get your approval package, you can go shopping for a vehicle safe in the knowlege that you have financing all lined up. You won’t have to suffer the indignity of getting turned down at the dealership. In fact the dealership never has to know the state of your credit situation, because the financing is already taken care of.
So if you’re looking for a lender that offers auto loans for less than perfect credit customers, look no further than RoadLoans. They’re still lending when lots of others have stopped entirely.
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