Road Trip Season has Arrived


It’s coming.

Beef jerky. Cheap sunglasses. The Band on Spotify. Leg cramps. Doldrums. Dancing from the neck up.

Fried pies. MoonPies®. Moonlight so bright, you are tempted to turn off your headlights. Tunnels through solid rock. Marinas packed with lonely, teetering boats.

The quest, by non-truckers, to find the perfect truck stop. Collectible spoons. Tribal lands and tourist traps. Hilariously modified pickup trucks. Sand dunes. Mountain passes. Ferries across channels. Oddly priced park day passes.

Dramamine®. Caffeine. Outside magazine. Monuments. Parking garages. B&Bs. Strange motels. Pit bosses and one-armed bandits. Towns whose central piece of architecture is a grain tower.

Local fudge. Sticky menus with misspellings. Ghost towns. Surprisingly good wine tastings. Theme towns. Navigating roads by coastal orientation. Biker clubs on parade. Parades in small towns. A small town where you thought there would be a gas station. Gas stations that feel strangely like home.

And scenery. Views that you know you’ll never forget, until you see the next one, and you can’t think of anything else. Places that you just can’t believe exist. One after another, as you drive by them.

Here at RoadLoans, we provide our customers with financing for purchasing new cars and for refinancing their existing cars. That would be enough reason for us to love road trips, but it doesn’t even come close to covering it.

We love road trips for all the reasons that make them great. The experience changes over the years, and still, it’s fantastic.

Road trip season is here. Welcome.

To celebrate, we’re going to give you a quick snapshot of some of the road trips that the excellent folks over at Lonely Planet call “The Best Road Trips You Should Really Take.” Read more here, here and here.

  • Coastal New England – This is 250 miles between New Haven, CT, and Gloucester, MA, and should be taken slowly.
  • Ivy League Tour – Best in the fall, this is 300 miles looping through 3 states, from Boston, MA, to Cambridge, MA.
  • Michigan’s Gold Coast – A late summer drive of 500 miles from New Buffalo, MI, to Mackinac Island.
  • Four Corners Cruise – This big-view, 10 day, 1,850-mile loop starts and ends in Las Vegas, NV.
  • The Mighty Mo – This historic route is 1,400 miles, from St. Louis, MO, to Kansas City, MO.
  • Monument Valley and the Trail of the Ancients – This classic, scenic road trip is 300 miles from Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park in Utah to Mexican Hat, UT.
  • Hwy 49 through California’s Gold Country – This is a startlingly beautiful 200 miles from Sonora, CA, to Nevada City, CA.




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