Well, we’ve told you about why you should attend an auto show, and we’ve even told you how to have the best experience at one. Now we’re going to talk about some you should think about going to.
There are a lot of great car shows out there. Car manufacturers are serious about putting their best foot forward, and this is one of the places that they know they can do it, where the only expectations are to eat junk food, be dazzled and have fun.
Washington Auto Show, Washington D.C. – Jan. 23 through Feb. 3
As one of the biggest auto shows on the East Coast, the Washington show is full of fun experiences for everyone, but includes a special series of meetings for lawmakers and industry influencers that they call “Policy Makers.” This is a more important audience than ever, with a rapidly increasing use of technology in vehicles. Leaders of the free world will be in attendance. DO NOT make sudden moves around them. It makes their security details nervous.
Chicago Auto Show, Chicago, IL – Feb. 14 through Feb. 22
As the “grand old man” among auto shows, running every year since 1901, the Chicago Auto Show has been held more times (this will be 107) than any other auto show in this hemisphere, is the most-attended auto show in North America, and uses more than 1 million square feet of exhibit space. Wear comfortable shoes.
DFW Auto Show, Dallas, TX– March 25 through March 29
First exhibited in 1982, the DFW Auto Show is about half as big as the Chicago show in size. This year is expected to be extra fun, as there will be a larger number of concept cars shown than ever before. (Concept cars: those futuristic vehicles that always seem to have impossible design lines and either far too little or far too much exterior glass. Though they dominate your imagination and command devotion, they never seem to make it to dealerships.) Bring your tinfoil hat and hoverboard.
New York International Auto Show, New York, NY – April 3 through April 12
The New York Auto Show isn’t as big as the Washington show, but you don’t go trying to cram that kind of a real estate problem into the lower West side of Manhattan. It’s in the southwest corner of Hell’s Kitchen. If you get to the Hudson Railyards, you’ve gone too far. Ironically, there’s no parking, so if you drive in, fuhgeddaboudit. It’s one of the auto shows that prides itself on having family events to attract parents with kids, which is no small beer in NYC. And there’s lots of great food nearby. Bring the kids, leave the cannoli.
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